Monday, March 28, 2011

What Most Small Businesses Don’t Have?

I’ve been talking with small business owners and entrepreneurs for a number of years now. One thing I know for certain is that most of them lack project management skills. They have fantastic ideas and even larger dreams but they only see the end goal. They have a hard time grasping what steps it takes to get to the end goal. To me, the best analogy for getting to that end goal is similar to playing sports or trying to lose weight. Everyone starts with a certain set of statistics they wish to achieve the next season or a goal weight they wish to achieve by a certain date. An entrepreneur’s dream is no different. If you wish to lose weight, you know that by working out for 30 minutes a day everyday for two months will get you closer to your goal, and then add in a better diet over the same period of time and you can get there.  A business is no different, just figure out the steps and follow them.
1.       Goal. What are you trying to achieve? Write it down.
2.       Steps. What do I have to do to get to the end goal? Write everything down that must be done.
3.       Timeline. Where do I start? Number the order the steps need to be done.

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