I constantly hear from the non-believers that social media doesn’t work. That it’s just something people do to pass their time. I say “Nay” to that concept. These people merely do not understand how important social media is. As a matter of fact, Coca-Cola decreased their mainstream advertising budget by 6.6% and focused more of their budget on social media. If the one of the world’s most recognized brands is taking social media seriously, then why shouldn’t you? If you are at all serious about your business, you must adapt to using social media. If you don’t, not only you but your business will be left behind.
Many people don’t know how to use social media properly but it’s as easy as reading a book or searching for some how-to videos on YouTube. If you are uncertain about the importance of social media in your business, I suggest reading the book 33 Million People in the Room by Juliette Powell for some insight.
“The definition of intelligence is having the ability to adapt the environment around you.” -Unknown
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